Family and Community

Counseling and Parental Guidance

Parents of children in therapy are actively involved in the treatment program. They meet with staff members regularly and receive important guidance which reinforces the accomplishments in treatment.

Another important venture at our center is to provide counseling for parents who have a multi-problem situation with their child and need guidance regarding choice of treatment. Sometimes parents are confused, have tried different options, including alternative treatments, and don’t know who to turn to. In these cases Arugot staff will meet with parents and explain how to go about tackling the problem and what the treatment options are, starting off with a professional assessment, and then progressing to a treatment plan that takes all problems into account.

We are able to refer children and their families to a range of experts including remedial teachers, emotional therapists, occupational and speech therapists. In addition, there are times when a neurologist or child psychiatrist can be consulted.

Consider this scenario:
(not his real name) is 6 years old and his parents are both confused and frustrated. Mornings he has difficulty getting dressed, his school bag is a mess, at school he has behavioural problems and his reading is not at the same level as the rest of his class. His parents are at a loss, they have been given different advice from all sorts of well-meaning friends, relatives and neighbours. The truth is they have other problems as well. They have tried a number of alternative treatments, with no success. At a visit to their family doctor the mother expressed her concerns.

Michael’s teacher decided to step in and try to help – she approached Arugot and suggested they work together. Arugot staff has experience working with a multidisciplinary team. The school teacher, school principal, family doctor and Arugot staff met together to try and find a solution for Michael. The first step was to have Michael professionally assessed to ascertain exactly what his difficulties are, after that a treatment plan can be built. This might include didactic help, emotional therapy, paramedical treatments, social skills workshop, and more. In addition, the entire family can be helped – parents will receive parental guidance and other children in the family can receive help if necessary.

Mothers in the local community are eligible for guidance within the arena of the home as part of our home visitation program, to provide help on the spot at real time.

If you are interested in making an appointment for a consultation about your child –

please phone: 04-6888644
and ask to speak to Pnina.

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Call: Jewish Child’s Day – Ph. No. 



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