Arugot, Child and Family Development Center is a non-profit organization helping at-risk children, adolescents, and entire families cope with emotional problems, learning difficulties, and developmental delays, using a range of treatment interventions. Our goal is to provide the opportunities for a successful and promising future.
Community Outreach
Programs and Workshops for parents, teachers, and school principals in the local community, promoting awareness on the importance of Early Intervention and treatment .
Snoezelen Therapy Unit
A unique therapeutic medium using multi-sensory stimuli in a non-threatening environment, and drawing from a number of therapeutic methods: Dance/Movement Therapy, Trauma Therapy, and more.
Learning and Therapy Center
The Center offers didactic remedial instruction, emotional therapies, and para-medical treatments for at-risk children with learning difficulties studying in regular educational frameworks
Early Childhood Center
A Day Care Center and a Developmental Preschool Network – offering nurturing programs for children with developmental delays.
Children spend many hours indoors, be that in the classroom, at home or using technological devices.
Occupational Therapy enables children and adults to gain daily life skills and achieve an optimal level of functioning. Emotional wellbeing in children is directly connected to their ability to reach developmental milestones and attain motor and communication skills that are age appropriate. This enables them to participate in peer related activities.
Approximately 10% of children in Israel suffer from a significant developmental delay, while only 3 – 4 % are assessed and treated by age 6. Children from the lower socio-economic strata are especially at risk for developing gaps in different areas of development.
According to research, a significant percentage of children will develop a developmental delay or emotional problem by the age of 16. Sadly, these problems do not go away unless they are treated. Treatment is crucial if we want to prevent the escalation of problems into more serious disorders
Registered Non-profit: 58-017-4225 | Phone: +972-(0)4-6888644 | 16 Arlosoroff Street, P.O. Box 4294 Haifa 3104201 Israel |
Call: Jewish Child’s Day – Ph. No.
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